Infrastructure is something that is on the forefront of the minds of many people in District 95. Mostly in the form of Roads and Wastewater systems
District 95 is the tourist capital of Alabama and sees millions of visitors every year. These visitors bring with them a lot of money to the tune of over five billion dollars annually. But they also clog up our roads. There are only two roads going onto the island from mainland Alabama and one is a toll bridge. This traffic problem is a very well known issue and has been for years and yet the state, which receives billions from our district, has done what to help us with it? Not much.
But I want to change that. I want to use state and federal funds from the Infrastructure bill to solve our traffic problem. The simplest, quickest fix would be to buy the toll bridge from Syncora Guarantee, Inc. a company that didn’t even build the bridge mind you. This would encourage more people to use the bridge and decongest 59. That’s not all we can do though and if you want to know more please shoot me a message.
According to the 2021 Infrastructure report card Alabama is going to need to spend over three billion dollars in the next fifteen years to have the necessary collection and treatment systems in place to handle our wastewater due to a growing population and industry sector. We here in District 95 are already seeing problems with our wastewater management systems especially when it comes to the effluent waste dumped into our Little Lagoon and surrounding watersheds.
It is of the utmost importance that we keep our water and environment clean because without clean water and beaches our tourist economy would collapse.
But besides these local issues I want to improve Alabama’s Infrastructure in a variety of ways. I want to improve sewage and stormwater infrastructure in the black belt where some people have raw sewage flooding their yards. I want to bring high speed internet to every home in Alabama so our kids can study and do their homework at home and our workers can comfortably work from home. And I want to start an initiative to bury our power lines so that when a tornado strikes down or a hurricane hits our shores we won’t have homes going without power for an extended period of time.
The funds are there to do this. We just have to have people in our legislature to say yes to receiving money from Biden’s Infrastructure bill. The GOP has refused to expand Medicaid using the federal funds offered from the Obama administration.